Friday, October 10, 2008

In The Arms of Your Significant Being: Project October Update II

A couple of breakthrough days for the project.

I was able to find the media on Thursday which allowed me to finalized the format. It was just there waiting to be discovered. I still have some packaging issues to figure out, but that can come later.

Today was more of production day putting together the elements and deciding on the look and feel. Most of the words are done and just need to decide on how to present the images. I'll still have to play around with it a bit but it's starting to feel good and hopefully it'll come together further tomorrow.

With that sense of accomplishment, I set out tonight to pick up some packaging material. Driving towards the store I felt good. Not sure why, but just good. Better than I've felt in a while. Maybe it's because it's been a while since I've done a project. Maybe. Somehow I knew it was more than just that.

Driving down Moorpark towards Laurel Canyon, I decide to play one of CD's Grey gave me. The green case is for Country she had told me in a matter-of-fact manner as she handed me the CD case. I put in the disc and listened to the first tune. I had no idea who it was but it was nice. A listened to a few more tunes and somehow it sounded perfectly as I drove with the open sunroof, feeling the chill of the October night. It's a nice evening I thought to myself.

While driving, I was somehow reminded of a conversation I had a while ago--actually it had become a recurring conversation over the years. It had to do with the evening of your best day--the title of an album released by Rikki Lee Jones a few years back. The title always intrigued me and she explained it was very meaningful and had something to do with memories of how she spent the evening of the best day of her life. The part I always wondered was so which was the more memorable--the day or the evening? I guess it's intertwined one not being able to happen without the other.

So whenever I think about this, I always try to recall the best day of my life and how I spend that evening. I always have a hard time. I search back into childhood and adulthood and I yes, I did have some memorable days. But did I ever have a best day? I'm not sure. I can't seem to put my finger on it. Or maybe life is just a series of best days regardless of whether it's memorable or not--more to do with the moment? I'm not sure. Thankfully I arrived at the store and I can put a hold on the silly conversation I was having with myself and get on with the shopping.

As I was about to leave the packaging store and visit the bookstore next door, Grey called. She hadn't been feeling well and as we talked it was obvious that she had had a tough day at work. I wished there was something I could do for her and told her so. We talked for a while--me in my car, she in her bedroom. I wish I were able to reach through the phone and hold her. I felt bad not being able to help her. We said our goodbyes and I went back to the bookstore and ended up buying yet another Murakami novel--my eighth I think. It's getting to the point that I have to read the summary and a few pages to make sure I haven't read the book previously.

Driving back I thought about Grey and then about the day. It had been a good day. Maybe even one of those best days. And while I had nothing eventful planned for the evening except reading the book with a glass of wine, nor able to spend the evening with Grey, having her in my thoughts was enough.

Yes, it could very well be the evening of my best day.

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