Wednesday, October 08, 2008

In The Arms of Your Significant Being: Project October Update I

It's not working. And I'm feeling disappointed.

I had these images in mind and for some reason my archives just weren't cooperating. I toyed with the idea of third-party images, but that just wouldn't be right. I had to use originals. I'm also having problems with the media. I realized that what I had in my wouldn't work in this case and I may have to make it myself--which isn't itself an issue, it's just that it would open up another set of variables to consider--formats, design, materials to name a few.

Things are in a state of flux so I do what's best in this case: instead of thinking about all the variables, start with the basics and start building and focus on the end product. I'm going through the archives and start selecting as many as I think would be appropriate. There's a few but I notice that it's not a perfect fit with the words. Something I hadn't thought through. I'm thinking if this is in the end going to make sense. And of course the images aren't uniform in shape. One more thing I hadn't factored. While frustrated, a voice urges me to keep going and I acquiesce.

I now have a pile of images and they seem like a mish-mash with no coherency. Feeling somewhat defeated I decide to turn to the words and start to focus on editing and formatting. I read and re-read what I have wrote and feel calmer. The voice comes back again reminding me it's the words that matter. I feel much better.

As I start to compose the words with the images it starts working somehow. I notice now that the images are playing a secondary role. Satisfied, I finish my glass of wine and decide to call it a night for the project.

I wonder how Grey's dinner with her mom went and decide to call her. I miss hearing her voice.

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