Saturday, May 01, 2004

The Stargazer and Pravda

Weary from the night's drinking, Tadanobu woke up
startled. The director, you see, had proceeded to
negotiate the interview. "We had always wished to work
together, Tadanobu, Miieke and myself."
"We kept running into each other at these festivals,"
he explained in that nasal Thai twang, " And we always
said we should do a film together." He contemplates,
"You see people like us don't care if the work is good
or not, the script meaningful or not. We just want to
work together."
So what is the significance of the Stargazer, I ask.
"It's his signature" responds Miike. "Something about
his past. A girl. A wife. A mother. Not sure. Besides.
If he's not telling, why ask?"
So what about the writer I ask.
"Him? Well, his mother's a famous journalist. Father a
Dutch producer. I suppose it's an inside joke naming
him Pravada...well, actually, Pravda. The truth."
He adds, "If you ask me, it's a great name for a dog."

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